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Natural Building 101

This class will be a hands on experience at Garfield Community Farm with teaching from Darrell Frey, an experienced natural builder. Darrell has participate in dozens of natural building projects, including the full construction of his former home in North West PA using cob, cordwood construction and other natural building techniques. Sign up now at Eventbrite, space is very limited.

During this class Darrell with begin with an overview of many natural building uses and techniques. Later in the day we will get our hands (and feet) dirty as we begin a project at the farm. Participants will leave ready to try these techniques at home.

Cob is used nearly worldwide as a natural building material. Cob is a mixture of locally available material from the earth, usually including clay, sand and straw. Indigenous peoples around the world have built with cob for thousands of years and continue to use ancient methods of sustainable building today. In our urban and rural settings in the US we can use these building techniques to create low cost, fire resistant, durable, non-toxic structures. In this workshop we will experiment with cob techniques and create some of our own cob structures at Garfield Community Farm.

April 12

Regenerative Agriculture Retreat

May 25

Soil Health and Compost in the Permaculture System