Wild Indigo Guilds
Join our first fully online guild from anywhere in the world! We’ll gather weekly for 1.5 hours for phase one of the Wild Indigo Guild Program, see details below. Gatherings will take place Monday evenings, starting February 17th, 7pm to 8:30, eastern time (USA). A Zoom link will be sent. Cost is on a “pay what you can” donation basis for the eight gatherings.
Wild Indigo Guilds begin with Phase 1, our “Eight Themes for Exploration and Discovery” - Our curriculum for connecting with God, others and the natural world through nature based contemplative practice.
During the second and third phases of each guild we get practical, creating plans for ecological restoration on your property. Learn more about these phases in the drop down menu to the right.
In permaculture and nature, guilds are plant communities where individuals support one another, making for a healthier and more resilient ecosystem. Wild Indigo Guilds are small groups of people, often from congregations, who commit to learn together, dream together and build together toward a better world. Contact us for more info and to start a guild.
Each guild begins with our eight experiential learning modules designed to help participants connect with God, others and the natural world. These eight modules are led by John and Evan who are both spiritual directors and pastors.
8 Themes for Exploration and Discovery
Look with wonder
2. Appreciate the Web of Interconnection
3. Know and Love the Land and its Inhabitants
4. Lament for Creation
5. Imagine a New Way
6. Commit to Creation’s Renewal
7. Engage In God’s Restoration and Communal Action
8. Work With Our Hands
During the “dream and design” phase of the program we work with guilds to help them discern what God is leading them toward, as individuals and as congregations. During this design phase participants will put on paper the ways God is leading their congregations to take action for food justice, Creation care and equitable sharing of creation’s bounty. At the end of phase two you’ll have a comprehensive plan for bringing restoration and production to your yard or church land.
During the final phase of the program we coach guilds to implement their design plans for their land, neighborhoods, buildings and congregations.
John and Evan offer a unique approach to spiritual direction. We love to use our awareness of ecological realities and accompany people in their spiritual journey, bringing connection between spirit and physicality. Many of us long to be more spirituality grounded in nature and ecology. As you are beginning design work, learning more about permaculture or starting any kind of project, participants may want to explore new paths of connection with God, others and the natural world through spiritual direction. . Visit our spiritual direction page to learn a little more.
Photo Gallery of our 2024 Guilds and Classes